Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Daniels Fast Devotion Day 1

Day 1
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6
Each of us has a deep desire to draw closer to God; there is a longing within all of us for something more, something greater, and something deeper. If you didn’t have that desire, you wouldn’t have decided to embark on a 21 day fast such as this one. The truth is, most of us will go all year, hungry and thirsty for something more, wanting and longing to be filled yet we will never be satisfied. The problem with most of us is we look to the wrong things to quench these desires and we don’t realize what and who should really fill us. Some of us turn to relationships, others turn to shopping, eating, sports or working out. Although these things aren’t “bad”, they will only fill our time, but never fill the deepest desires of our spirit.
As you start this fast, keep this scripture in mind, remind yourself multiple times a day: BLESSED are those who HUNGER and THIRST for righteousness, for they SHALL be filled. It is God’s desire to fill your every void. As you begin to turn away from food, don’t allow yourself to turn to bickering, murmuring and complaining about how “hungry” you are, but realize there is a deeper hunger in your soul that WILL BE FILLED through PRAYER and FASTING.

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