Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 21 Daniel's Fast Devotional

Day 21
Congratulations! You’ve reach day 21! Doesn’t it feel amazing? There many have been many times you felt like quitting, but you made it and that’s something to celebrate!
Philippians 4:13 says: For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
By our own strength and will power, we may not have gotten through day one, but with the super natural strength that only comes from Christ, we are able to complete what we started 21 days ago!
I know that God is honored and glorified through our worship and sacrifice to Him. As you continue on this year, I urge you to remain prayerful always. The same power that helped you through the last 21 days, can and will help you daily. Whether it be at home, work, school or church, Christ will give you the strength the continuously preserve and conquer the daily battles life brings you!
Keep on pressing into the Lord, seeking Him diligently and watch how He shows up for you!

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