Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 15 Daniel's Fast Devotional

One of my favorite scriptures in the in the book of Psalms comes from the ninetieth chapter, verse twelve:
Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Since the first time I heard this scripture, my heart melted. If you are like me, your life is busy, full of responsibilities and sometimes excitement. You probably find it difficult to take a break or just “relax”. When I heard this scripture, it reminded me how short and fragile life really is.
It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the business of life, children, work, school, home, even church, however, when you realize just how quickly this life will pass you will begin to turn your thoughts heavenward. This is just a vapor compared to eternity.
What are you doing in your life that has eternal value? Three weeks of fasting and praying might seem like a huge sacrifice, but in the grand scheme of things, when you weigh this time out next to eternity, it’s nothing at all.. Do not mistake what I am saying, you are not saved by fasting, you are saved by faith. However, the time you spend fasting, praying for the lost, seeking God’s purpose and reaching out to those around you with boldness and authority does have eternal value. Every single person you share the Gospel with has great eternal value, living out your God given purpose in order to further the Kingdom and bring heaven to earth does have eternal value, the seeds you sow now into the people around you about Jesus and His saving grace, does have eternal value.
I encourage you to set your minds heavenward, do not allow yourself to focus daily on things that can be here one moment, gone the next. Focus on what matters to God; loving His people and sharing the Gospel.

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