Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 6 Daniel's Fast Devotional

Day 6
Many times throughout our Christian walk we will have the opportunity to become lackadaisical in our spirits. This opportunity arises each time the Holy Spirit prompts us to pray, and we turn on the television instead. When we know we should wake up a little earlier to read our bibles, but we hit the snooze button until the very last second. When the Lord prompts us to go deeper into His presence with fasting and yet we choose to stuff our faces anyways.  When you feel that sense of conviction right before you are about to gossip about someone, yet you still blab your mouth. The opportunity to be spiritually lazy will comes to you more often then you may be aware of and it will leave more of an effect than you would have ever imaged if you are not proactive about your relationship with the Lord.
I believe one of the greatest rewards in fasting is the renewed hunger for God.  When you are fasting, you have a heightened awareness to these distractions that so easily bested us on a regular basis. As you fast and pray, your hunger for God grows immensely!
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Psalm 34:8
When you are fasting you have the opportunity to truly taste and see that the Lord is good. Just as your body craves the sugars and carbs they once had, your spirit will crave the intimate time you spend in the presence of God during these 21 days long after the fast has completed. I encourage you this week, press in a little closer, go a little deeper, sing a little louder and dance a little freer. Release into the atmosphere all that God is stirring up within you during this fast.

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