Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 10 Daniels Fast Devotional

Day 10
Fill Me Up!!
How many times have you said this over the last few days? You’ve probably prayed that the Lord would fill you up, or maybe even listened to the song a dozen times. It’s especially important that as you begin to empty yourself out both physically and spiritually with the detoxification process of fasting that you ask God to fill you up!  This is absolutely necessary! Now let me ask you another question, then what?
As God begins to fill you up with His presence, with His word, with passion and revelation, what will you do with it? Will you be a spiritual hoarder, or will you pour out everything God has poured in to you, into those around you?
I love God with all my heart, but my desire isn’t to seek Him selfishly, but to seek Him in a way that He would fill me up and I would overflow into those around me. My friends, family, co- workers, my community, my church. It’s my desire that everywhere I go, and everyone I encounter would be submerged by the overflow of the Lord from my life. You have to remember something, not everyone you encounter goes to church, not everyone you encounter knows the Lord, not everyone you encounter knows what they are missing. This is why as Christians it is so important to pour out everything that God has poured into us.
Proverbs 4:18 states: The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.
You have to realize, your life, your words, your actions may be the first gleam of light, shinning into someone’s life before the full day of light arrives! Meaning you might be the only light someone sees before they actually have an encounter with Jesus. It’s important that we all do our part to shine the light of the Lord. We might not individually be able to change the world, but if each of us makes it a point to reach the individual, together, we can reach the multitudes.
As you continue fasting, I encourage you to look outward. Who can you pray for? Who can you encourage? Who can you invite to church? There is a world of people around us desperate to hear the good news, it’s YOUR responsibility to shine bright and share the Good News!!
I pray that each of you would strive not just to be blessed, but to BE A BLESSING!!

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