Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 2 Daniels Fast

Day 2
By this point in the fast, you’ve probably been experiencing headaches that are a product of toxins leaving your body, or “withdrawal” pains from not having your daily caffeine intake. Your stomach may be grumbling and your hunger pains are making you wonder “Is this really worth it?” or “Is this really necessary?” Rest assured, this is just your flesh throwing a little fit as it faces some unwanted (and probably uncommon) discipline. As these feelings intensify before they cease, I would challenge you to ask yourself this question; how bad do I want it?
The bible clearly states in Matthew 6:33
“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”
As you continue on over the next few weeks, remind yourself as you sacrifice and put God first in your life, seeking His presence and His purpose, He will then add all other things unto you. This fast will last you 21 days during the first month of 2013, however, your commitment and sacrifice to the Lord will not be quickly forgotten. God will honor your faithfulness throughout the year simply because you chose to follow His word and seek His kingdom FIRST.
Look at it like this, we’ve all been there before! You wake up late, you scramble to get ready, and you’re late to work with no time to get a coffee. What happens next? If you’re like many, your day has now begun a downward spiral… We all know that how we BEGIN will play a large role on how we finish off. Although you may be able to recover and salvage the rest of your day, it won’t be the same. Likewise, before you is a choice, to hit the snooze button on the calling God has placed on your life, and scramble to catch up later in the year, OR, rise and shine, seeking God FIRST and allowing these 21 days to lay the foundation of the remainder of your year.
The choice is yours! Do not allow temporary discomfort to change the course of your year!

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