Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 13 Daniels Fast Devotional

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” Proverbs 23:7
Many of the battles we face on a daily basis, whether big or small, are first won (or lost) in the mind. Every day we are faced with choices. Some a large and of great importance, some are smaller, yet still impactful to our future.
My question for you is simple, what do you really think about in the quiet stillness of your heart? How do you really feel about life? The truth is your outward appearance, the words you speak, the things you do can all point in one direction, while your heart and who you really are, points in the opposite direction. When the two are conflicting, it will only be a matter of time before the conflict is revealed. As you think in your heart, will eventually become your words and actions, exposing your true character.
Examine your thoughts today, how do you really feel? I would challenge you to take a long look in the mirror and truly reflect on this. As you continue on in this fast, you will do one of two things, finish strong, and feel as if you accomplished a great step in your Christian walk, OR, you’ll quit, because it was “just too hard”. That battle will be won or lost in your mind first.  

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