Thursday, December 27, 2012


We read in Luke 23:34 that Jesus did the following: "Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots." Often times we read over this part of scripture and sometimes just think it was Jesus being nice but its much deeper than that.

A few chapters earlier when teaching his disciples to pray we read the famed "Lord's Prayer". IN this prayer Jesus laid down a serious and powerful principle when he declared "and forgive US our trespasses as we FORGIVE  those who have trespassed against us." This is powerful because the same way we forgive is the measure used to judge us if we are worthy to be forgiven...Jesus told a parable of a man who was forgiven by his master for an enormous debt he owed. He was shown grace and yet when he left his masters house he saw a man who owed him a few dollars and sent him to jail for not paying. The master heard if this and grew angry with the man and punished him for his actions. 

The point Jesus was making was if we are forgiven for all our sins then w should forgive others and not hold onto bitterness and harbor un-forgiveness. how is it we expect God to forgive us for all types of sin, sexual immorality, drug addictions, foul language and so much more and even worse stuff but yet have trouble forgiven someone who broke our heart. How is it you can be forgiven but yet can't forgive? you may see that hurt as a big thing but yet what God forgave you of was a big deal. God forgave you for everything but yet you cant forgive someone for something? 

In order to be forgiven we must forgive. SO is why Jesus hanging on the cross covered in bruises and blood took on the sins of the world. He took every ounce of sin you would ever commit and he took on the full wrath of God. He then FORGAVE the men who killed him in order for the sins of your's he carried on your part and on your behalf to be forgiven....

Don't hold tightly to un-forgiveness  its a lock that will keep heavens gates closed when we can't forgive.

Stay blessed.

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