Tuesday, December 25, 2012

No room...

Christmas is almost done and all the gifts are most likely unwrapped. Left over food litters many kitchens and wrapping paper fills bags outside our homes. Many things happened today on this holiday but oddly enough there is one thing that most likely didn't happen that should have happened and that was honoring Jesus on his birthday.

Yes I know, we have no proof when he was born exactly but yet we as a world have chosen today and the question is did you really make room for him or honor him? Was there any attention given to him? Most would probably say no...and yet this is nothing new for Jesus.

Luke 2:7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. (Emphasis added)

I find it ironic that the same issue he had on the day OF his birth he still has today and that is there is no room for him. It was HIS day and yet many didn't even think of Him in depth or spend time with the King. Christmas has turned into this commercial holiday where the world says happy holidays instead of CHRISTmas so they wouldn't offend anyone...Nativity scenes are taken down as to not offend anyone and any real semblance of what Christmas is supposed to be about is being removed all around us and we as "Christians" frown upon it but don't ever do much more than that.

Over 2000 years later Jesus has the same issue he had then and that is there is no room for him. Kids all across the nation went to bed waiting for a fat man in a red and white suit riding on a sleigh driven by rein deer that is powered by Christmas "Spirit" rather than have any real knowledge of how over 2000 years ago the earth awaited a Savior King who would bring a real gift. His gift was not hidden under a tree but would hang on the tree. Was there room this Christmas for Jesus? Was it remotely about him in any capacity or was it just a day of great cheer and joy? 

I've made a conscientious decision that there will be room for Jesus not just on Christmas but all the days of my life...Make room for Him and he will change your world around and you will never be the same when you really find yourself in the arms of the Savior.

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