Friday, October 14, 2011


Every day I awake, I am plagued by one overwhelming and truly perplexing thought..."What is God's purpose for me today..." Truth is told there are days I am so sad because I felt as if I couldn't find my purpose! Days have come where I was to the point of tears due to the fact that I felt as if my purpose was clouded and I couldn't get a grip on it.

I wonder EVERY day WHY AM I HERE?! I don't know about you and I can only speak for myself but the dominating thought in my life is what did God create me for? God told Jeremiah in Jeremiah chapter 1 "before you were in your mother’s womb I knew you..." That’s amazing! Put it like this...

Before time ever was, before the universe was birthed from the mouth of God, before the foundations of the earth were ever laid, even before the sun was birthed on the 4th day of creation before Father God directed the currents of the ocean and prior to him deciding the strength of earths gravity...before I was in my mothers womb growing and even before my DNA structure was determined and being written, God KNEW MY!

I don't want to bore you with Hebraic terminology so I won't go too deep but that word "knew" in Jeremiah 1:5 where God declares he "KNEW" Jeremiah is the same word used in Genesis 4:1 to explain how Adam "KNEW" Eve and she gave birth. This word means to have and intimate relationship. It is used throughout the bible to tell us of someone’s intimate actions and here God says he knew us. He was intimate with us not sexually but spiritually. He knew us!

So the question that really changed my life was "What motivated God to create me?" While you read this, have you ever had this thought? Why am I here? What did God create me for? What motivated him to form me and fashion me the way he did what was it?

This very question eats away at me daily! I can not escape it and surely I do not desire to for I have a deep longing to have a purpose far beyond just the regular hustle and bustle of life. I know my design is intricate and phenomenal and I have a purpose and so I question my life daily and ask myself "Luis what motivated God to make you?!" What is your purpose? Webster’s Dictionary defines Purpose in the following capacity:

1. The reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.
2. An intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.

Wow...that definition in my eyes is breathtaking. What is the reason for my existence? Why was I made? What am I supposed to be doing? How about this one...What was God aiming at when he made me?! These are questions I would challenge you to ask yourself.

You were not created to work a 9-5 job doing something that has no eternal value! Wake up and realize you have a GREATER purpose!!!

Jer 29:10-11
 11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

I love this scripture! God declares HE has a plan for YOU! they are good plans! But as I read this it hits me...why is God telling me he has a plan for me...probably because someone else has plans for me too. Listen, there is no grey area. Either you serve God or you serve the devil...whether willingly or not those are the only two and there is no in between. Whose plan are you living in? What is your purpose?

Listen to what Solomon says:

Prov 19:21
21 Many are the plans in a man's heart,
but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

You may have many plans and ideas for your life but God declares that His purpose for you shall prevail! If God made you for a reason I bet it's a really good one! Stop wasting time in your life trying to follow hopes and dreams that have no eternal value. Yes we all want a comfortable happy life with good things and there is NOTHING wrong with that trust me God has blessed me but in the midst of it I am serving my purpose!

I realize when God made me he knew my father would die at the age of 51 while I was 22 and God knew He needed me to lead a small church and take it from being so small to being so large. I realize God has gifted my words and my mind and I see he has blessed me with leadership qualities to guide his people and I know he has called me to change the world I live in and it is my PURPOSE!!!

I had many plans...many desires...but when I got a glimpse of God's desires for me...I put mine to the side in light of how many people would need me. I saw the masses of souls God would speak to through me and I was humbled that he thought so much of me and I will never be the same. Many were the plans in my heart but it was the purpose of God that prevailed!

So I ask you this...what is your purpose? What did the creator of all that we see and know, what motivated Him, to create you?

I pray you soon find out and waste no more time living without a God purpose!

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