Tuesday, February 22, 2011

One Small Step

One Small Step for a Man,  One Giant Leap for Mankind

In the course of your life you will face small steps that will have the capacity to change the landscape of your life and these are steps that define where you go in life.
These are steps that make you grow in God and make you much stronger in Christ...you will be faced with tough times that will help you increase your faith as a Christian.  One of the greatest scriptures I have come to know that help me with these steps is John 16:33.
33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." 
These small steps make big impacts on YOUR life...but then their are steps that have an affect on the people that surround your life. These are the challenges God puts before you to change your family and your community. To change your neighborhoods and to impact your city and although still small their affect is great.
July 20, 1969 one man taking one step...changed the world...he with one single step gave vision to the entire globe and showed anything was possible...he uttered the famous words while he took that first step...One small step for a man...one giant leap for mankind...and with that Neil Armstrong took the first steps ever taken by humans on the moon...he changed history with one step...and so can you...with a step of faith...
Matt 14:25-33
25 During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear. 27 But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." 
Lets Analyze this very briefly:
Late at night...the fourth watch is the ending of the night right before dawn...Jesus came trotting along on the water...
Late at night when its at its darkest...but yet a new day was coming ...it was about to be dawn...new light was coming.
You might see darkness now but oh just let me tell you new light is coming into your life! new hope is rising in you! When it looks the darkest here came Jesus.
Midnight might be our darkest time but oh just let me tell you it marks a new day!!!
The bible tells how the disciples saw him and thought he was a ghost...this shows how superstitious they were...they were still learning...they still believed in mythical things and had superstitious fears but here came Jesus just trotting along...
There's going to be times in your life where you are going to see God move and your going to be afraid.
Gods going to say preach and your going to be afraid. Gods going to say sing and your going to be afraid. Gods going to tell you open a church and your going to be afraid. Gods going to tell you to put some extra money when your super stretched in your finances and your going to be afraid to trust it's him not realizing the devil wouldn't tempt you to bless god.
God's going to come when your at your worst, when your stress level is maxed, when it seems you cant take anymore and your world is going to collapse.
When your bills are backed up  and your kids are going wild, when your husband or wife is talking about divorce here comes Jesus calling on you to get ready to do Gods work.
It's never going to be your time! In your time you would be ready and then you would have glory but in God's time you wouldnt be ready and it's his glory...
God's calling you...take courage!
In the middle of your dark time when you think it cant get any darker...here comes Jesus...
Is someone tonight facing dark hard times in your life whether personal or family...work related or church related...spiritual or physical...Take courage...
Constantly God reminds us to be courageous...God told Joshua 8 times be strong and courageous...4 from Moses and 4 in Joshua 1...
I always wondered if God knew who Joshua was...maybe he forgot Joshua wanted to fight the Canaanites from jump street...maybe he forgot Joshua jacked up the Amalekites...
Did he not remember Exodus 24 tells us Joshua actually went up the mountain with Moses and saw Gods glory while everyone else waited...did God forget Joshua...he had seen Gods glory and was a might man of war...he was brave and courageous yet God told him take courage...
I dont care how tough you think you are or how spiritual you think you are...there is a move of sin and a move of holiness sweeping this country and you are going to get caught in the crossfire...so mighty man or woman of god be courageous take courage your about to be in the fight of your life and you need to find God in the storm....
It just might get darker and scarier before it gets better but take courage it's for your step of faith God is calling to you take courage...
This nation is in a moral down spiral...the enemy is flooding us in this fourth watch of our nations history...the bible says when the enemy comes in like a flood God will raise a standard! 
So are you a part of the flood or the standard...are your small steps going to ruin your spirit or are they going to change the world...
So now...we begin to talk about the man of the hour....Peter...
28 "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."
So realize this...they are all in disbelief...they are afraid and stunned...so the only bold one of the bunch speaks up...Peter said...OK man...Jesus if that's you call me to come...
You need to understand Peter...he's not normal...he's got head issues...he talks before he thinks...he's the one who told Jesus he wasn't going to get crucified as long as he was around...
Peter was a thug...probably grew up in the Bronx...he was a rough kind of guy a real mans man...he was the fighter of the bunch...he was the one most liable to punch people...
He must of had some PR in him (just kidding)...in the garden of Gethsemane he pulls out a sword and hauls off and chops some guys ear off! He seen Jesus whipping folks in the temple and now he's carrying a knife...this guy wasn't playing!
Peter was reckless and wild...he carried knives and a desert eagle 45. caliber pistol...OK maybe not the DE...
Peter loved Jesus! He made it clear he would do anything for him!
So he says if that's you then tell me to come...Jesus didn't tell peter to come first...Peter had the God idea...
You need to call unto God and start taking the faith steps...steps that will change perception in your life and bring change...
Tell your neighbor take a step! so Jesus replied...
29 "Come," he said.
Man Pete must have been like...oooooooo....hmmmmmm....about that....he opened his mouth...now he had to man up...the other 11 disciples are watching him he's like OK it's now or never...do or die time...the next piece of scripture is the greatest part of this story...
Then Peter got down out of the boat,
He lifted his leg over the edge of that boat and stepped out of the boat...that boat was a sure thing...that boat was solid but yet he chose to take one small step for a man that would help change the world...with this story I know i can do anything in Christ...
His small step of faith was not walking on water it was crawling out of that boat...his knees were probably shaking his heart was beating a mile a minute...he must have been anxious and slightly afraid but a step of faith drove him overboard...
So many time in life were afraid to go overboard...we think we might drown...we think we might fail and be useless to God...but Jesus calls to you today and says COME!
It's time you came to God...it's time you came to see god in His glory...it's time you stepped out in faith...steps of faith that will change the people around you.
Imagine the other 11 disciples shock and awe...Pete what are you doing? You sure?
Pete don't go...but once they saw him I know that I know they were inspired in their hearts as i am...we all look at how he sank when he took his eyes off Jesus but i focus on him putting that first leg overboard and just trusting Jesus...
Are you willing to trust Jesus tonight?
Trust him with your life...trust him to answer the call...trust him to go take small steps of faith that equal giant leaps in spiritual growth for the kingdom of God!
Take a step tonight! a step of faith...peters step was one small step for a man but one giant leap for mankind spiritually...
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"
Now...I'm not a scientist but you can't see the wind...I spoke on this once in my church and it became a joke that when someone over analyzed something we said they saw the wind...Peter didn't see the wind..he saw what danger he was taking...he saw how what he was doing could hurt him...
So many times we take a step of faith but begin to sink because we think to much about whats next...I can imagine Peter walking on water and realizing he had nowhere to go but back to the boat and he grew afraid...he began to sink when his eyes shifted from God...
Church the things of this world glitter...they shine at us and call us...keep your eyes on Jesus and when you feel yourself sinking call on his name...

 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"  32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."
Immediately God will rescue you...why do you doubt God...climb out of your boat today...He will save you when your weary....
Jesus said to Peter oh ye of little faith...
Many can say its a derogatory remark but I see Jesus smiling saying oh man Pete that was just a little faith and you defied gravity what can you do with great faith...
Church what can your small steps do with great faith?
If he can walk on water with little faith...you can change lives with great faith...it's time you lifted your leg over the side of that boat and stepped into the world of great faith tonight...

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