Monday, July 1, 2013

My Whole Heart

Psalms 138:1
 I give you thanks, O LORD, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise;

When it comes to serving God what is your norm? What defines what is average or normal in your life. Chances are if we stacked up our Christianity and how we serve God alongside scriptures there would be a definite gap between the two with very distinguishable differences. This scripture, amongst many, exemplify what a life after God's heart looks like.

David is the writer of this scripture but the Holy Spirit is the author. In this scripture the Spirit spurs David to give thanks to the Lord. David gives thanks and does it with his WHOLE heart. That phrase is one of my favorite in all of scripture. With my WHOLE heart! With everything in me i will serve and follow you Lord. With my WHOLE heart.

David is not speaking of a physical beating heart but he is talking about the center of who he is. As the heart is the center of all blood flow in the body and serves the function of pumping blood to all the extremities of the body David declares with all my heart i will worship follow and serve you. I will pump your righteousness through ALL my veins and through ALL my body and I will subject my entire life and my entire being towards your purpose and your will. With  my whole heart.

David's fleshly heart was sinful and David had many things wrong with him but yet he did not fail to try and pursue God with everything in Him. Maybe serving God with your whole heart isn't your NORMAL but maybe its time to redefine your normal and push out into deeper spiritual waters. Push out into waters so deep your survival depends solely on God and not your ability to save yourself. Abandon temporal earthly desires and pursue heavenly minded goals that will bear fruit worth having.